Saturday, 14 February 2015

Why should you Blog…?

Hi Learners, In this post I want to share with you my views about blogging and why you should blog? What is Blogging. .? Blogging is a process sharing information with others and the main advantage of it is that you can share information @ your comfort and the one who needs the information can get it through the blog post whenever he/she wants. Blogging is a medium used by various people for sharing information about them, their life, technology, Money, products …etc Why should you Blog? Blogging gives you a good exposure about the response you would receive when you Learn More

How to start Blogging. ?

Hi Learners, In this post we shall discuss on the ways of starting a blog. There are basically two ways to start a blog Free hosting – Blogspot, wordpress Paid/ self hosting – Through your own hosting Free Hosting In this type of hosting you can take help of other hosting companies who offer free hosting web space for you to hold your blog in their servers/space. The popular free hosting platforms are Blogger, WordPress. Pro^s It is free You don’t have to worry about the performance as it is not in your hands. Con^s You don’t have any control Read More

Law of Attraction – you can attract anything you want

Hi Learners, How are you today….???? I want to share with you Law of Attraction today Attraction You might have heard about magnetic poles saying like poles repel and unlike poles attract which is theoretical but practically like attract like It is in simple terms if you are asking your TV for BBC channel it will never give you CNN channel though both are of same category NEWS because their wavelength/frequency is different similarly universe is a big TV channel station and the remote is your thoughts and channel being played is your LIFE. How true it is? Does changing our thoughts Read More

Worry, the biggest & strongest enemy

Hi Learners, We shall discuss about one our enemy today. First of all, who is enemy and what is the definition of an enemy ? Enemy ? A person/thing which makes you weak or which tries to defeat you or which tries to curb your confidence and kill you emotionally and if possible physically. Then Who is the biggest & Strongest of all your Enemies ? Worry. How & Why ? Imagine when we are worrying about something whether it happens or not. .. We will not be able to sleep, eat and live peacefully but remember will our worrying shall reap Read More

Getting up early VS. Sleeping late night

Hi Learners,   When is the best time to work ? I want to discuss with you about how can we utilize our time efficiently. As the title of the post suggests getting up early or late from the bed had huge impact on our ability to utilize the treasure which you have in your hand (Past is a cancelled check, future is a promissory note, present is the only cash/treasure in the Hand – Anonymous). It is very beneficial to get up early in the morning because we can plan our whole day (it is said that, “1 hr Read More

Who is RICH ? How can you be RICH ?

Hi Learners, I hope this post will be interesting many including me also… RICH means a state of mind but not the amount or magnitude of wealth we possess b’coz I have heard about many people who where rich n peaceful even when they had nothing in their hands and about people who had a lot enough one can imagine but still lead a bit bitter n utterly busy lyfe….. Let’s take an example of our epic Ramayanam as everyone knows that Lord Rama left the kingdom as if it is like a grass prick, leaving to the forest as Read More

Youth Arise Awake and Know Your Strength

Hi Learners, Today I would share with you the information about one of the best books in the world and the good news is, it is freely available. I hope if you have visited RK (Sri Rama Krishna) math, you might have noticed that there are a lot of books available in the stall with interesting titles and valuable matter/content of course. So, even I was and will be in that dilemma about what books to buy from there. However, I found one book to be extremely good of all that which was once given by my friend when I  Read More