Sunday, 10 November 2013

who is an orator??

I am working in a MNC and I am undergoing training, in addition to technical and behavioural they are also conducting sessions to turn us into Orators (whom I thought are  "effective speakers" in the beginning).  At the end of course, I came to know who is a real Orator? 
     An Orator is a person who does not speak for the sake speaking something to accomplish his purpose instead he takes the listeners into the topic which he is speaking, he mesmerises them by his speech and stage presence, he does not need any preparation for speaking  as he will be a reservoir of knowledge and very confident person. 
    I realized that becoming an Orator is a long or even life time journey which I want to begin now  ... which can only be achieved through continuous improvement and determination as our mentor adviced us...

1 comment:

  1. I agree to your point surya. And also Orator is the one who brings confidence in you.
